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Botprise and AWS: A Powerful Collaboration for Enhanced Cloud Security Automation

May 1, 2023

Botprise and AWS: A Powerful Collaboration for Enhanced Cloud Security Automation

At Botprise, we are delighted to announce our successful collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as we continue our ambitious growth journey. As a leading no-code automation solution provider, we are dedicated to helping customers reduce manual intervention in managing cloud systems. By partnering with AWS, we have been able to scale effectively, meet stringent security requirements, and achieve operational cost savings, while reducing the time to market for our solution. We are excited to share that AWS has published a case study highlighting our success story:

Founded in 2019, Botprise has since been focused on providing a security solution that monitors cloud environments for configuration issues and automates cloud operations. Our apps and templates allow customers to set up automation in just minutes or days without needing technical expertise.

Our journey with AWS started at our inception, and AWS has supported us throughout our pivot towards cloud automation solutions with a focus on security operation automation. This collaboration has enabled us to grow by 400% in the security operations automation sector. Participating in the AWS Well-Architected review process in both 2020 and 2022, and the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (AWS MAP) in June 2022, has provided valuable insights into improving our company. By leveraging AWS services such as AWS Security Hub, we have been able to cut operational costs by 34% and save time. The centralized dashboard of AWS Security Hub provides complete visibility into our security posture, helping us better understand challenges and identify areas for automation. The integration of Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon Inspector further strengthens our security solution. Thanks to AWS services, we have reduced the time to market for our solution by half, allowing us to rapidly acquire customers and scale cost-effectively. Our collaboration with AWS has also helped us to reduce the time from issue identification to remediation by 86% on average, as many issues no longer require manual intervention. Botprise is proud to be working closely with AWS to modernize and enhance our security posture.


This collaboration has not only increased customer confidence but also allowed IT teams to focus on complex issues, ensuring mission-critical security needs are met across industries such as energy, financial services, and technology. At Botprise, we are committed to providing the best-in-class security operation automation solutions to our customers. We are thrilled about our cooperation with AWS and look forward to continued growth and success.