Integration Mesh

Connect all your business tools into one platform, including Slack, AWS, SAP, and 400+ others

No-code Smart Workflow Studio

Drag and drop from 100+ pre-build automation and decision units in minutes to get a unique workflow for your business automation

Developer Workbench

Bring your custom automation ideas to life with a powerful toolkit for developers

Autoremediation and Predictions

Use smart behavioral analytics and decision units to prevent incidents before they impact your business


Improve interactions in your teams with in-time notifications and information exchange

Bot Analytics

Illuminate important business processes and get insights for smart management decisions

How to automate your business?

November 9, 2021

Business optimization depends on the sphere and requires different automation guides (to know more about automation in your business) nevertheless the general automation plan is:
Define the repetitive actions
2. Set business goals
3. Choose/develop automation
4. Create critériums for automation development/effectiveness
5. Eternal process of workflow development

Or you can request a demo of our solutions for your business sphere